~*Heart of Gold*~ FlyFF fanfic

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~*Heart of Gold*~ FlyFF fanfic

#1 Postby SparDanger » Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:37 am

Heart of Gold: Chapter one; Dreams and Parties

Disclaimer: I do not own FlyFF, Aeonsoft does. :P

There was blood everywhere... Distant cries of pain and anger rang out as I walked among the trees on my way to Flaris. I broke into a run, fearing the worst.

When I made it to the northern entrance, a terrible sight befell my eyes. A huge ClockWork of the likes that had never been seen before, was slaughtering the poor vagrants and lower level Mercs, Mages, Assists and Acrobats.

Higher level people were fighting it off, or should I say trying to? Most of the higher level fighters were having problems too, the Ringmasters AND Billposters healed and refreshed buffs as the others fought this monstrosity!

I quickly summoned my Yakshadain stick and buffed myself, hoping to aid in the fight. Being a Billposter has it's advantages.

Dashing into the fray, I managed to save a vagrant boy from being crushed. "Th-thank you sir!" he said gratefully, "A-are you here to help?"

"Yeah. I'm here to help fight!" I said, wanting to go help.

"Good luck Mister!" The boy called, dashing to an Elementor who was giving them Blinkwings to Saint Morning, where it was safe. I smiled at the Elementor. He was in the same guild as myself, and we were really good friends. As I dashed into battle, I could hear him call to me, "NOOO!!! SPARROW!! DON'T!!!"

I ignored him and started punching the monster. Naturally as I was AoE build and didn't have much attack power, my blows did nothing but irritate the monster. It turned to me, anger seemed to pour out of it, filling me with fear. I leapt quickly out of the way as it brought down a giant scorpion-like tail, shattering the paved road where I had been standing just a few seconds ago.

Everyone else had stopped attacking to watch me. They were baffled, until now the ClockWork had been killing at random. Now it had targeted a foolish Billposter, who had only just joined the fight.

I managed to lure it out of town, yelling for my Elementor friend to contact a GM a.s.a.p! This ClockWork wasn't normal, and as far as I knew there were no plans for an invasion this month.

I glanced to my left for a split second, seeing a scared vagrant girl. She couldn't have been more than level 2. She wore the red cotton dress and carried a wooden sword. Her hair was very short and blond, blue sapphire eyes met my emerald ones.

That was when the ClockWork struck a near-fatal blow! Were it not for my high stamina, it would have killed me. It had brought it's tail down while I was looking at the girl and made a huge vertical slash down my chest from collarbone to pelvic bone!

"GAAHHH!!" I cried out, feeling the blood gush out of the new wound as I tried to hold my arms over the huge cut in the vain hope of getting the bleeding to stop. The vagrant girl screamed and ran into town, yelling, "Oh Gods! Someone help that poor man out there! That giant monster got him!!!"

My head swam... I felt as if I was fading... But, somehow, I managed to evade it barely until the GMs finally arrived. YokoshimaNeko, Xagel and Sabroso were the ones I saw before fading into blackness..


I sat bolt upright on a bench next to the makeup artist and hairdresser. Damn, that dream again! Relieved as I always was to see Flaris looking like a happy little town and not a devastated battlefield, I couldn't help but curse myself for my own weakness and paranoia. Groaning, I pulled my body into a more appropriate sitting position for the bench and sighed.

Nothing new going on today, I'm still a poor Billposter who can't even afford a house and sleeps on benches, like a homeless person... I had enough money to buy food and equipment, but that was about it. My chest felt a tad cold, damn Billposter armor wasn't good for this Autumn weather. I'd end up catching a cold and then I'd never get to level 70. I was only one level away, but I've always been a slacker when it came to leveling. I just couldn't seem to keep fighting for long periods of time. I got bored with it too fast, or I began feeling rejected by everyone in Madrigal and lost my will to fight.

The only people I really felt comfortable with in this world, were my friends, fellow guild mates and my Psykeeper sister, of whom I rarely saw anymore. Removing my helmet to brush my almost shoulder-length hair, I saw a small group of FlyFF denizens. They seemed to be trying to get a party together, but their leader didn't seem to have much experience with handling parties. I watched as the small band eventually grew to eight people. Three Mercs, two Mages a Bow Acrobat and two Assists, one fighting, the other Full support.

They clambered on about a party quest, I assumed that the leader must have engaged in the Dradpet quest. The Leader was the male assist and he seemed to be the FS. This amused me somehow, that a FS assist would take on such a perilous quest.

Finally having disentangled my dark chestnut brown hair, I replaced my BP helmet carefully, so it wouldn't pull hair out. It was very good at that and, boy, did it smart! I couldn't wait until I could get Male cat ears, that way, their magical properties would hide my helmet and keep it from pulling out hair.

I sighed and finally got off of the bench, stretching and deciding that I would buff some Vagrant players until one asked me to buff him/her until they got to level 15.

Sometimes I even helped them with the job quest as well. Because some of them wouldn't know where to go or what to do. I did this quite often and I'm sure most of the Vagrants were grateful for it.

As I walked off towards the Aibatt herd near the Northern entrance of town, I heard someone call out to me. I turned to see who it was, but I was tackled to the ground mid-turn. It was Jlyons, co-leader of the Meow guild and one of my best friends in Madrigal.

"Hi Sparrow!" Jly said cheerfully, "How are you doing today?"

"Fine, now get off please. You're kinda crushing me and those two girls are staring." I managed to say, though the wind had almost been knocked out of my lungs completely.

Jly got off of me, then extended his hand to help me up. The two girls were giggling now, and I couldn't help but wonder if they were yaoi fangirls. I blushed a bit as I got to my feet.

Jlyons was an AoE Elementor and his new Elder set +3 flattered him and made him seem even more powerful then ever. He was pretty well-built, though nothing like Billposter build, and his dark indigo hair was about as long as my own, though styled a bit differently. Jly also had Male cat ears he had gotten from the GM YokoshimaNeko and Shineglasses, I think? His Cat ears were a bit different from the normal CS ones, the ones he had gave him a Sta +1 boost.

All in all, he is a very handsome guy and a great friend. Him and Paw run the Meow guild wonderfully. Paw is the Guild Leader, she's a Psykeeper and a very fun person to be around.

I couldn't help but smile at Jly as he explained builds to a new level 15 mage who had asked him for help while I had zoned out. He was almost always helping someone out and it made me want to do the same. So, while he was talking to the Mage, I buffed him.

"OMG! THANKS!" The young Mage exclaimed happily," You guys rule!"

We both smiled, "Thank you." Jly said calmly.

I was a bit more reserved, "Thanks." I said shyly.

Jly had put his arm around my shoulders and hugged me. "So, want to see if the Guild wants to form a party?" He asked me, smiling.

"Sure, sounds good!" I said with gusto.
Last edited by SparDanger on Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:54 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Postby Damasca Ramza » Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:43 am

I shuddered while reading the fight scene at what happened.
Let us finish this! It is the path of your choosing!

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#3 Postby SparDanger » Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:55 am

I shuddered while reading the fight scene at what happened.
Too descriptive? :(

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#4 Postby Chaun » Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:47 am

I shuddered while reading the fight scene at what happened.
Too descriptive? :(
Just a little bit, though it wasn't too graphic in my mind. The blood gushing out from your Gigantic cut may have been a bit much though.


#5 Postby Paw » Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:11 am

This is really good Spar *.* I can't wait to read more of this. I like your use of vagrants, how helping them usually helps you in the end. ^^ Your description of the clockworks fight added a lot to help explain how you were feeling, and I wasn't expecting it to be a dream. You did very well describing it, especially since you surprised/scared some people (including me!) I liked how you went slowly from being scared from a dream into spending time with your friends to help calm you down and forget about your dream. Wow, i feel like a critic now. XD Great job on this Spar, I can't wait to read more!

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#6 Postby Dan » Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:18 pm

That......was......awesome!!! 8D
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#7 Postby Ultimarad » Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:21 pm

You know you can't possibly stop there. We want to see more! 8D

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Re: ~*Heart of Gold*~ FlyFF fanfic

#8 Postby Jlyons » Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:49 pm

As I walked off towards the Aibatt herd near the Northern entrance of town, I heard someone call out to me. I turned to see who it was, but I was tackled to the ground mid-turn. It was Jlyons, co-leader of the Meow guild and one of my best friends in Madrigal.

"Hi Sparrow!" Jly said cheerfully, "How are you doing today?"

"Fine, now get off please. You're kinda crushing me and those two girls are staring." I managed to say, though the wind had almost been knocked out of my lungs completely.

Jly got off of me, then extended his hand to help me up. The two girls were giggling now, and I couldn't help but wonder if they were yaoi fangirls. I blushed a bit as I got to my feet.
Darn it! I knew I should've checked the calendar... there was a yaoi convention in Flaris that day. <.<

And I'll try not to crush your ribs next time. ;)
Jlyons was an AoE Elementor and his new Elder set +3 flattered him and made him seem even more powerful then ever. He was pretty well-built, though nothing like Billposter build, and his dark indigo hair was about as long as my own, though styled a bit differently. Jly also had Male cat ears he had gotten from the GM YokoshimaNeko and Shineglasses, I think? His Cat ears were a bit different from the normal CS ones, the ones he had gave him a Sta +1 boost.
Black sunglasses, actually. I wish I had shines though. XD
All in all, he is a very handsome guy and a great friend. Him and Paw run the Meow guild wonderfully. Paw is the Guild Leader, she's a Psykeeper and a very fun person to be around.

I couldn't help but smile at Jly as he explained builds to a new level 15 mage who had asked him for help while I had zoned out. He was almost always helping someone out and it made me want to do the same. So, while he was talking to the Mage, I buffed him.

"OMG! THANKS!" The young Mage exclaimed happily," You guys rule!"

We both smiled, "Thank you." Jly said calmly.

I was a bit more reserved, "Thanks." I said shyly.

Jly had put his arm around my shoulders and hugged me. "So, want to see if the Guild wants to form a party?" He asked me, smiling.

"Sure, sounds good!" I said with gusto.
That whole last part made me smile and say "awwwww". ^^

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#9 Postby SparDanger » Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:58 am

Heart of Gold: Chapter two; The Nightmare that haunts him

Disclaimer: I do not own FlyFF, Aeonsoft does. :P

After a long hard day of grinding, I bid farewell to my fellow Meow guildies and flew for Flaris. I had my heart set of taking a bath under the bridge in the River of Weeping. Ever since the bridge had been repaired, it had become an ideal place for bathing, now that Vagrants weren't falling down and disturbing me.

I thought about some of the funny moments that had occurred while we all had been fighting as I removed my rather filthy Shurand set +3. Mieke had shown up after my not seeing her for months! She brought my other dear friend, Damasca, with her as well, and we shared some wonderful jokes and interesting conversation before heading our own ways to train.

I kept a private chat open with Damasca, to fill him in on my recent nightmare. He had been the only one I had told of the nightmares, ever since they has started plaguing me a few months ago. Naturally, he was worried about me. I had to keep reassuring him that I wasn't going mad, and that, physically, I was fine.

After we had all had our fill of training and bid farewell, he asked me if there had been anything I needed before heading off to take my bath. I told him that I needed only the bath and a long nap. Damasca nodded and headed off with KuriCetsuke, a friend of his. I guess he wasn't done training yet.

As I soaked in the luke-warm water, I dozed off...
Corpses littered the cobblestones of the ruined city formerly known as Saint Morning. The hall had been blown apart and there was rubble everywhere.

I ran around, looking for anyone I knew, and, to my utter horror, I found my dearest friends.

Damasca, Paw, lWhiteMagel and even Jlyons, had all been slain by some unknown monster. I fell to my knees, weeping for my fallen friends. But nothing could have made me sadder than when I saw another Psykeeper's body, a little to my right and partially obscured by a boulder.

It was Mieke! My sister! She was still alive, but not for long.

"No... Please, oh Bubble, no!" I cried as I tried, in vain, to lift the boulder crushing her. "MIEKE!!"

Mieke's last words to me were, "ClockWork m-master..." Then her blueish-violet eyes went dim, a single tear falling from one of them.

Before I could do anything, someone had thrust their muscled arms around me and was holding me back. "Let me go! That's my sister!" I yelled, not caring who the man holding me back was.

"Whoa! Calm down!" The man said, "Oy Sabroso! Help me with this Billposter!"

Sabroso, one of the GMs, walked to me and the other man restraining me. "Can't handle a little level 69 Billposter, Xagel?" he asked, tauntingly.

My patience broke completely, rage taking over sadness and I broke free of Xagel, charging for Sabroso. Wanting to hurt him badly for reasons I could never have explained.

But, before I had even gotten three feet, a Giant ClockWork monster appeared on the crumbled Saint Hall. Roaring loudly and staring right at me!

Xagel and Sabroso prepared to take it down, "Yo Billposter!" Xagel called to me, "We need buffs NOW!"

I hurried to summon my Yakshadain stick +2, but for some reason, I was unable to!

"I-I can't! My casting stick won't come to me!" I said in a panic, "I don't know what's- ACK!"

Just then, a large metallic-like tentacle had wrapped itself around my waist and lifted me into the air. Xagel and Sabroso leapt back from the ClockWork, clearly worried.

"What in blue-blazes is going on?!" Sabroso yelled at Xagel, "Why are these damned ClockWorks going after this guy anyway?!"

"What makes you think I know?!" Xagel replied, "But I do know that it's our duty to protect the citizens of Madrigal!"

As they bickered over why the ClockWorks seemed to be targeting me, the metal tentacle around my waist and chest had tightened considerably, making it very hard to breathe. "H-help.." I tried to yell, but I hadn't enough strength. I could feel my ribs shattering under the massive pressure.
I awoke, seeing a Mage's hat, and feeling someone clinging to me. It was Damasca!

I seemed to be laying in a hospital bed, undoubtedly in Saint Morning's famous recovery ward.

A couple of FS assists, dressed as nurses, were trying to pry Damasca off of me, but they were having no luck. Jlyons had just entered the room, with who I assumed was the Head nurse. Her outfit was black and she did not wear a nurse's hat, but instead had shining curly golden hair which complimented her Sapphire blue eyes wonderfully.

She had also seemed quite taken with Jly, seeing as how every time he asked her a question, she blushed slightly and smiled before answering. Paw floated in, looking unusually surly and casting dark looks at the Head Nurse every now and then.

"NOOOO!! Lord Spar!" Damasca cried out, "Please don't be dead!!"

Jly shook his head while Paw shot another furtive look at the Head Nurse. Then another FS assist entered the room.

This young man looked a lot like I did, aside from a few obvious differences. His hair was slightly lighter colored and had more red tint to it then my own, but it was styled the same. He also had brownish red eyes, instead of Emerald green and his physical build wasn't as well-toned as mine. It was my twin brother, OrionElric!

"Damasca, you're going to make Spar worse by squeezing him like that, ya know?" Orion said, trying to hold in laughter.

Damasca let me go, walked up to Orion, then whipped out a tape recorder. Orion's eyes went wide with fear as Damasca hit the play button. The recording itself was of my voice, yelling angrily this command: "ORION, SIT BOY!"

Orion's forehead glowed slightly, before he was pulled down by an unknown force of gravity. Making a small, Orion-shaped, indent in the Hospital floor.

"Oh really now!" Jly said, a tone of exasperation in his voice, "Was that necessary Damasca?" he asked, helping Orion up.

Damasca nodded, too angry to speak. Paw sighed and shook her head. The Head Nurse stared at Orion, wondering why that had happened to him.

Mieke then floated into the room, followed by Chaun, our Merc comedian. Both of them were laughing heartily at some joke they had shared in the hallway. Mieke floated right over to me, "Morning foo." she said brightly, "Get enough sleep?"

I nodded, feeling light-headed. Damasca looked so relieved to see me awake. Orion was still being held up by Jly. Paw and Jly were both smiling and Chaun, apparently, didn't even know I was here. For his eyes were as big as his red nose for a few seconds.

I got out of bed and reequipped myself, "Why am I in here?" I asked, trying not to sound as angry as I felt.

I think I failed, because Mieke backed away a bit before answering, "You fell asleep in the river and got a fever. Damasca found you and demanded you be brought here, even though both Orion and I told him that you'd rather sleep it off on your bench in Flarine."

Damasca looked guilty now, he knew how much I hated being in hospitals and he seemed to think I was going to punish him. "Please be merciful, my Lord!"

"Teh hell?!" Mieke and I said in unison. Paw Jly, and Chaun all went wide-eyed, along with all three nurses. Orion was still dazed.

"I know I should be punished for my lack of knowledge!" Damasca said, pleadingly, "I deserve to be beaten!"

I sighed, "Damasca, you do not deserve to be punished. Quit saying such things!"

I then walked out of the room, taking Orion with me and signaling for Mieke to follow as well. I felt it was time for the siblings to talk.

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#10 Postby Echo » Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:36 am

NEEEEED MORE!!!!!!! 8D :SparRulz:
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#11 Postby Ultimarad » Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:32 am

I'll read it when I get the time.

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#12 Postby ScytheEnlim » Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:38 am

Tis Teh Awesome

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#13 Postby Damasca Ramza » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:06 pm

You captured Damasca perfectly Spar, he definently would demand to be hurt for his foolishness, excellent, *wants more* I'll write Part 4 if you write more.
Let us finish this! It is the path of your choosing!

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#14 Postby Jlyons » Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:22 pm

I could ramble on about what I think about this so far, but I'm going to sum it all up in a single word...


'Nuff said. :SparRulz:

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#15 Postby Chaun » Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:02 am

Where would you get a Tape recorder in that world in the first place?

Nice story though.

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