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Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:06 am
by Xiaotsu
Seems like this mispricing buisness is getting worse. :/

The boyfriend of this close female friend that I have is STILL getting angry at me for absolutely no reason. :feh:

I think I attract the wrong kind of attention sometimes.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:38 am
by Ryan Boss Stevens
Stupid little kids on Left 4 Dead. As SOON as I join the fucking game, they say "Lets kick this person" for NO FUCKING REASON! I have a god damn mic, I have all but 1 achievement, LET ME STAY!

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:16 pm
by Xiaotsu
I think I ate some dodgy food. My stomach feels like its going to make me throw up. =.=

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:28 pm
by Jlyons
Temperature = 102

The hottest end of June on record locally is followed up by even more heat. Yard work is nearly unbearable right now. *Rawr

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:45 am
by Echo
MY JOB! :x It's frikking RAINING and its July :| MY JOB :( ...Did I meantion my JOB????


OK..i'm done down.

:/ *~*



Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:18 am
by Supersonia
Hiccups. :feh:

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:24 am
by TheDarkPawn
So many things, shits crashing down and im about to lose it..

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:18 pm
by Damasca Ramza
I'm cold, I have a huge ass stomach ache, I'm sick and it's starting to piss me off.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:32 am
by Xiaotsu
So many things, shits crashing down and im about to lose it..
I know what you mean =< Hang in there Pawn :)
I'm with ya, Pwny, too :/ stay strong buddy, you'll pull through. If you need to talk man, i'll be on WLM for ya. :)

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:11 pm
by Jlyons
People in online games who have the loudest mouth but don't know the first thing about what they talk about. And are worshiped for it.

It's my daily reminder why I hate dealing with gaming communities, for the most part. Slamming my head through a car door causes less brain damage than listening to people like that.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:33 pm
by Dan
Slamming my head through a car door causes less brain damage than listening to people like that.
QFT. I can think of FEW people dumber than the ones you said above.

On Topic: Instant job rejection. Apply for a job, take a nap, then, when you check your mail, INSTANT REJECTION! What's more? It was for an entry level job that required SIX YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. If it requires six years of experience, how the @#$# is it entry level!?

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:26 pm
by Jlyons
Slamming my head through a car door causes less brain damage than listening to people like that.
QFT. I can think of FEW people dumber than the ones you said above.
As can I. Then again, that's the nature of the online beast. We're all at the mercy of the whims of the charismatic. Some buy their charisma. Others earn/work for it. It's the ones that buy it and have their legions of blind fanbois wanting a piece of the pie that bother me, such as today's reminder.
On Topic: Instant job rejection. Apply for a job, take a nap, then, when you check your mail, INSTANT REJECTION! What's more? It was for an entry level job that required SIX YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. If it requires six years of experience, how the @#$# is it entry level!?
I'll do you one better while staying on-topic. Guess where I was on Saturday? ... 47369.html

I didn't even have a chance to get in the front door either. At least they took your app, despite the absurdity of the 6 years of experience required.

The one thing that article didn't mention: people camped out for an entire night just to get in the door first. You heard me right. People camped out for a job. Just like concerts and iPhones. They camped out overnight.

On the bright side, no tow trucks or heat strokes for me. If you can consider that good news, that is. <.<

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:24 am
by Ryan Boss Stevens
I can't chat with Chris on the Shitbox 3-fix-me. No wonder Cameron gave the 360 that name, it fucking sucks until the update hits. Then you can chat with people that you couldn't chat with before, but only temporarily. I was able to speak with the guy the other day, WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I SPEAK WITH HIM NOW?! :pissed: :feh:

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:07 am
by Jlyons
Sleepless night. Again. <.<

At least it's the weekend though, so it's not all bad.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:00 am
by MeowsYj
I cant seem to find a good plvler ~_~.

I cant seem to sell anything good to earn monie to buy cruiser+8 :<.

O yeah my mom is being a mean mom to me :< T_T *~*