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Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:57 pm
by Xiaotsu
Spore freezing just as I was about to save. <.<

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:32 am
by Ultimarad
Spore freezing just as I was about to save. <.<
I get that problem too, except whenever I die in the creature stage. (Guess who got half way through that stage only to have to restart from scratch?)

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:55 am
by Xiaotsu
Spore freezing just as I was about to save. <.<
I get that problem too, except whenever I die in the creature stage. (Guess who got half way through that stage only to have to restart from scratch?)
Heh, i've gone up to the Civilisation stage and had to restart before. Because the PC I was playing it on wouldn't go furthur than that stage for some unknown reason. xD

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:27 am
by Damasca Ramza
The fact that at work, no matter what I do when it comes to wash up, I get bitched at.

I go too quickly and put effort into it, I get bithced at, I slow down a bit so I can make sure it's clean? I get bitched at, I cannot fucking win and it's pissing me off! Honestly, I think the fact I'm trying to get it right is the important factor here, if it's not fully clean, then tell me and stop acting like it's the end of the world and bitching me out, it's why I almost never want to go to work anymore...for fucks sake. <.<

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:30 pm
by SparDanger
The fact that at work, no matter what I do when it comes to wash up, I get bitched at.

I go too quickly and put effort into it, I get bithced at, I slow down a bit so I can make sure it's clean? I get bitched at, I cannot fucking win and it's pissing me off! Honestly, I think the fact I'm trying to get it right is the important factor here, if it's not fully clean, then tell me and stop acting like it's the end of the world and bitching me out, it's why I almost never want to go to work anymore...for fucks sake. <.<
Sounds kinda like when my Manager would be at work when I was at the Glass gallery in the mall. I could never go fast enough for her.

My sympathies.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:36 pm
by Echo
Blockbuster only having 4 copies of Final Fantasy 13. ._.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:28 am
by SparDanger
Blockbuster only having 4 copies of Final Fantasy 13. ._.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:12 am
by Used2beDejil
Nose bleeding <.<

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:23 pm
by Imoen
Having to watch the puppy for her yet again enough though I have a lot to get done today.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:45 am
by Thessera
USA has changed the time already, while Europe didn't. X_X
My friend came earlier than I thought, and I didn't get to play with him again.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:05 pm
by Echo
TV in the living room crapped out again.

(It's not cheap to get repairs for a 55 inch HDTV)

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:59 pm
by Echo
Hit my head really hard at work! >.< So hard I saw stars! It was bleeding slightly and now I have huge bump on my head :(

*word to the wise*

Don't Text and Pick stuff up while under a hanging file cabinet. When you come up really fast, you tend to bonk your head :pissed:
:< I sowwy, that had to hurt like hell. x.x

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:52 pm
by Echo
Hit my head really hard at work! >.< So hard I saw stars! It was bleeding slightly and now I have huge bump on my head :(

*word to the wise*

Don't Text and Pick stuff up while under a hanging file cabinet. When you come up really fast, you tend to bonk your head :pissed:
:< I sowwy, that had to hurt like hell. x.x
It did v.v

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:24 pm
by Echo
TV in the living room is crapping out, for the third time.

Re: What pissed you off today?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:39 pm
by Echo
TV in the living room is crapping out, for the third time.

After fixing it?? O.O sorry, that sucks!
This be the third time, and this one won't be cheap, maybe around $900.