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Re: Random chats

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:14 pm
by Ultimarad
Demonfox says:
So what's up?

Ultimarad says:
talking to Spar

Ultimarad says:
on her webcam too ;P

Demonfox says:

Demonfox says:
Wait, what's that look for? O_o

Ultimarad says:

Ultimarad says:

Demonfox says:
k >_>;

Re: Random chats

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:58 pm
by Jlyons
Sean says (9:43 PM):
I have no sound.
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says (9:43 PM):
Sean says (9:43 PM):
Tell that to my headphones. >_<
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says (9:43 PM):
«I kicks your headphones
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says (9:43 PM):

Re: Random chats

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:02 am
by Echo
Linkmax says:
Say something random.
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
Aids is not funny
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
Herpes is
Linkmax says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:27 am
by Echo
The Atomic Kitten         says:
btw, Guys, my brother's fiancee's baby is a girl
              The Atomic Kitten         says:
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi is incorperal
              The Atomic Kitten         says:
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
Why am I herer
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
your not gonna feed me to the Linkmax are you? D:?
              The Atomic Kitten         says:
just thought I'd let you all know
              The Atomic Kitten         says:
              The Atomic Kitten         says:
              The Atomic Kitten         says:
Max is busy ><
              The Atomic Kitten         says:
leaving now...
*               The Atomic Kitten         has left the conversation.
Dan says:
Oh dear God, we're all gonna die....
* Dan has left the conversation.

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:32 am
by Ultimarad
XD You have the strangest convos.

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:05 pm
by Echo
Linkmax says:
There's a dog under my keyboard.
Dan says:
Linkmax says:
Linkmax says:
The dog's on my lap, and the keyboard is on her.
Dan says:
Linkmax says:
She doesn't mind. XD
Dan says:
Linkmax says:
If you hold that face long enough

What? Were you expecting a real answer?

Re: Random chats

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:50 pm
by SparDanger
Erdrik (Shower) says:
Gonna have a shower

Linkmax says:

Linkmax says:
I think grandma is bleaching the toilet

Erdrik (Shower) says:

Linkmax says:
And I'm on the other one. :U

Erdrik (Shower) says:

Erdrik (Shower) is sending a sound.
Action: Play ""Mario Game Over""

Linkmax says:

Erdrik (Shower) says:

Erdrik (Shower) is sending a sound.
Action: Play "-Eat it"

Erdrik (Shower) says:

Linkmax says:

Linkmax says:

Linkmax says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:52 pm
by SparDanger
Erdrik (Shower) is sending a sound.
Action: Play "-RICKROLL'D"
Erdrik (Shower) says:
Linkmax says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:58 am
by SparDanger
-|-† AJ Stormheart †-|- says:
WTF is "Poopcrun"?! O.o

Sparrowhawk says:
An old word Linkmax made up when we were kids, to avoid swearing while our parents were in the room.

-|-† AJ Stormheart †-|- says:

-|-† AJ Stormheart †-|- says:
good old linkmax..

-|-† AJ Stormheart †-|- says:
lol.. old

Sparrowhawk says:

Sparrowhawk says:
19 is old now? XD

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:34 am
by Dan
19 is the new 50? XD

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:44 pm
by Echo
DanTheMarMighty says:
Yeah, so I got pulled into the future by Dusknoir....
Linkmax says:
DanTheMarMighty says:
Who's under Dialga's command! O-O;
DanTheMarMighty says:
Who doesn't even talk. Just growls. -.-
Linkmax says:
DanTheMarMighty says:
DanTheMarMighty says:
DanTheMarMighty says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 7:24 pm
by Echo
DanTheMarMighty says:
Did I ever tell you about that time I beat up that vampire? :P
Linkmax says:
You beat up a Goth kid?
DanTheMarMighty says:
Nope. A Vampire. :P
Linkmax says:
You mean a Goth Kid?
Linkmax says:
DanTheMarMighty says:
Vampire. :P
Linkmax says:
Goth Kid.
Linkmax says:
Linkmax says:
DanTheMarMighty says:
Vam pire.
Linkmax says:
Go th Ki d?
DanTheMarMighty says:
Linkmax says:
DanTheMarMighty says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 8:05 am
by Pokota

Code: Select all

[2008-05-02 17:56:57] <XiaoTie> Advent Cirno is a manga or a game?
[2008-05-02 17:57:11] <XiaoTie> Or a book
[2008-05-02 17:57:32] <Emerald> It's a doujin that's parodying FF7, with Touhou characters.
[2008-05-02 17:57:41] <raekuul> 178 seconds
[2008-05-02 17:57:48] * raekuul shudders
[2008-05-02 17:57:56] <XiaoTie> Ooh
[2008-05-02 17:58:05] <Emerald> Xiao> and man, it's BADASS
[2008-05-02 17:58:17] <XiaoTie> Now, what is the difference between doujin and manga?
[2008-05-02 17:58:28] <Emerald> Technically they can be the same thing
[2008-05-02 17:58:36] <raekuul> doujin == hentai, usually. I think.
[2008-05-02 17:58:37] <Emerald> But the series is a derivative work, not an original story
[2008-05-02 17:58:40] <Emerald> Nope
[2008-05-02 17:58:57] <XiaoTie> Oooh
[2008-05-02 17:58:59] <XiaoTie> Like
[2008-05-02 17:59:03] <Emerald> Though since most hentai is a derivative work, they're usually called doujins

Code: Select all

[2008-05-03 10:06:51] * raekuul rolls a new character (4d6x7)
[2008-05-03 10:06:51] >The_Computer< !dice 4d6x7
[2008-05-03 10:07:00] <Penguinizer> !allstats
[2008-05-03 10:07:08] <raekuul> ah.
[2008-05-03 10:07:16] <Penguinizer> except it doesn't work -_-
[2008-05-03 10:07:27] <raekuul> so !allstats is supposed to give me what?
[2008-05-03 10:07:39] <Penguinizer> It's supposed to roll allstats
[2008-05-03 10:07:42] <Penguinizer> !dice allstats
[2008-05-03 10:07:42] <The_Computer> Penguinizer : Error in dice roll
[2008-05-03 10:07:49] <Penguinizer> !dice 4d6b3
[2008-05-03 10:07:49] <The_Computer> Penguinizer : Result of5 4d6b3 : 14
[2008-05-03 10:07:56] <Penguinizer> !dice 4d6b3
[2008-05-03 10:07:56] <The_Computer> Penguinizer : Result of5 4d6b3 : 14
[2008-05-03 10:07:57] <Penguinizer> !dice 4d6b3
[2008-05-03 10:07:58] <The_Computer> Penguinizer : Result of5 4d6b3 : 16
[2008-05-03 10:08:15] <raekuul> ah.
[2008-05-03 10:09:45] <raekuul> !dice 6#3d6
[2008-05-03 10:09:46] <The_Computer> raekuul : Result of5 6#3d6 : 10 6 12 12 13 14
[2008-05-03 10:10:47] <raekuul> trying out a new command in my client, /newchar
[2008-05-03 10:10:50] * raekuul rolls a new character (7#4d6b3)
[2008-05-03 10:10:50] >The_Computer< !dice 7#4d6b3
[2008-05-03 10:10:52] <Penguinizer> or !dice 6#4d6b3
[2008-05-03 10:10:54] === The_Computer is logged in as GiantITP_Dice
[2008-05-03 10:10:59] <Penguinizer> !dice 6#4d6b3
[2008-05-03 10:11:00] <The_Computer> Penguinizer : Result of5 6#4d6b3 : 19 18 14 14 15 14
[2008-05-03 10:11:05] <Penguinizer> bwah?
[2008-05-03 10:11:17] <Penguinizer> how in the name of sweet monkey christ did I roll a 19 o.O

Re: Random chats

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:24 pm
by Echo
Tacosauce says:
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
Tacosauce says:
Ladder Sex.
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
DM-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
Nut crack
Tacosauce says:
Tacosauce says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:39 am
by SparDanger
Basil Gallant The Fox says:
Shouldn't your ass be less tighter from the anal f**kings? :hehe:

Sparrowhawk says:
If you were Kirk Johnson, maybe. >_>;

Basil Gallant The Fox says:
Oh ew X_X