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Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:49 am
by Damasca Ramza
Getting to talk to my girlfriend, hearing her voice for the first time, hearing the words she said, and today just been a really good day for me.

First good one in awhile actually.

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:09 pm
by Dan
Giant Hoppre dropped a Historic Axe. Then the next one dropped a Warspon Helmet (which I'll probably just NPC).

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:23 am
by Ultimarad
Somebody (I think I know who) got me a transy on Flyff. Spent 20 minutes admiring my new slender self. :P

I would have taken screenshots if Flyff had widescreen support. *looks at Aeonsoft*

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:38 am
by Dan
Forgot to edit my above post, but the last giant hoppre I killed before the event ended gave me a Historic Bow. Plus I got level 90 and 110 yoyos from keakoon workers. O_o

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:14 pm
by SparDanger
Somebody (I think I know who) got me a transy on Flyff. Spent 20 minutes admiring my new slender self. :P

I would have taken screenshots if Flyff had widescreen support. *looks at Aeonsoft*
Someone got you a Transy? Who indeed.. ;)

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:27 pm
by Ryan Boss Stevens
Somebody (I think I know who) got me a transy on Flyff. Spent 20 minutes admiring my new slender self. :P

I would have taken screenshots if Flyff had widescreen support. *looks at Aeonsoft*
Someone got you a Transy? Who indeed.. ;)
*is getting images in his head* Oy! X_X That is awkward. OO;

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:34 pm
by Damasca Ramza
The fact Spar got me the Vampire Set from the Cash Shop for my early birthday present, Damasca looks so cool right now cause of Spar.

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:25 pm
by Jlyons
Two things today:

1. An employer called me in today for a second interview. It's possible I may have a job this week. ^^
2. My elementor hit level 95 tonight and has FOUR potential RMs to work with now.

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:19 am
by Ryan Boss Stevens
The fact that I've been knocking people into the pit of death on Gunz was funny as hell XD

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:32 am
by Ultimarad
Somebody (I think I know who) got me a transy on Flyff. Spent 20 minutes admiring my new slender self. :P

I would have taken screenshots if Flyff had widescreen support. *looks at Aeonsoft*
Someone got you a Transy? Who indeed.. ;)
*is getting images in his head* Oy! X_X That is awkward. OO;
Awkward? Our main Flyff characters are now opposite genders. The awkwardness should be gone. :/

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:34 am
by Krazybones
Its fine to cross-gender as long as you have a reason.

Mine is: Female CS looks better, and Cheaper Flury.

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:34 pm
by Ryan Boss Stevens
Somebody (I think I know who) got me a transy on Flyff. Spent 20 minutes admiring my new slender self. :P

I would have taken screenshots if Flyff had widescreen support. *looks at Aeonsoft*
Someone got you a Transy? Who indeed.. ;)
*is getting images in his head* Oy! X_X That is awkward. OO;
Awkward? Our main Flyff characters are now opposite genders. The awkwardness should be gone. :/
I'm used to you being a male and Spar being a female X_X

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:03 pm
by Echo
Somebody (I think I know who) got me a transy on Flyff. Spent 20 minutes admiring my new slender self. :P

I would have taken screenshots if Flyff had widescreen support. *looks at Aeonsoft*
FlyFF does have Widescreen Support.

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:29 am
by Ultimarad
Its fine to cross-gender as long as you have a reason.
Could the fact people were thinking it was a gay relationship be a good enough reason?
I'm used to you being a male and Spar being a female X_X
For a while, (on Flyff) Both of us were the guy.
FlyFF does have Widescreen Support.
Care to tell me where the option is? Because it's not obvious.

Re: What Made You Happy Today?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:58 am
by Ryan Boss Stevens
Its fine to cross-gender as long as you have a reason.
Could the fact people were thinking it was a gay relationship be a good enough reason?
I'm used to you being a male and Spar being a female X_X
For a while, (on Flyff) Both of us were the guy.

FlyFF does have Widescreen Support.

Care to tell me where the option is? Because it's not obvious.
It's when you start up the game, look to the right of the Start button and you'll see Register, Options, and Close. Click on Options and you'll see Resolution. Click on that and you can see some Widescreen resolutions.