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Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:53 am
by dark9dragon
ummmm idk dem or in their guild >_>;

plus its random chat so who like nachos =D

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:32 am
by Echo
By random chats, we mean random chat logs from IRC or Instant Messaging programs.

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:46 am
by Damasca Ramza
By random chats, we mean random chat logs from IRC or Instant Messaging programs.
Minus the fact EVERY chat with Linkmax is random. ^3^ ^_^

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:56 pm
by Jlyons
By random chats, we mean random chat logs from IRC or Instant Messaging programs.
Minus the fact EVERY chat with Linkmax is random. ^3^ ^_^
Which means I must be the odd one here... every conversation he's had with me has been normal. <.<

Anywho, time to get back on topic, shall we?

Re: Random chats

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:35 am
by Echo
Ultimarad says:
I hate Pit's voice
Linkmax says:
If I find someone who doesn't hate his Voice, I'm going to end them.

Re: Random chats

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:26 pm
by Damasca Ramza
Darkmage Solidor Rabanastre- Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
oh, new name for you
Darkmage Solidor Rabanastre- Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
Kharst says:
Darkmage Solidor Rabanastre- Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
SUPERPANTS! He has the power of a pair of pants! Which is absolutely nothing
Kharst says:
Kharst says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:49 pm
by Echo
Dan says:
Some times you wanna go! Where everybody knows your naaaaaaame!
Linkmax says:
....I almost said an adult bookstore.

Re: Random chats

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:06 pm
by Echo
Linkmax says:
- Nyte | <I could use a beer and a lie-down...> says:
"WARNING - The Star Wars Collectible Cookie Jars are intended for decorative and collectible purposes only. They are not intended to hold cookies or any kind of food item."
- Nyte | <I could use a beer and a lie-down...> says:
Now.. how fuckin stupid does that sound?
- Nyte | <I could use a beer and a lie-down...> says:
WHY make a cookie jar if people shouldn't put cookies in them?!?!?
Inferior Minion says:
Linkmax says:
- Nyte | <I could use a beer and a lie-down...> says:
I mean.. Who came up with that idea?! "Yeah, I was thinking that we'd make a cookie jar.. Oly you can't put cookies in it.. Pretty genious, huh?"
Linkmax says:
Linkmax says:
Inferior Minion says:
Inferior Minion says:
Perfect response!

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:41 am
by Pokota
<raekuul> when I logged into Nightstar, it gave me:
<raekuul> ===!AaReiver (Botnet attackers are not welcome here.)
<raekuul> [ERROR] Closing Link: raekuul[] AaReiver (Local kill by AaReiver (Botnet attackers are not welcome here.))
<raekuul> [ERROR] Connection to irc:// (irc:// closed. [Help] Reconnecting in 15 seconds. [Cancel]
<No_Noxy> Excellent

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:06 am
by Echo
Abyss says:
Chat won't load!! ><
Linkmax says:
Slap it
Abyss says:
Linkmax says:
Kick it? ^-^
Abyss says:
Linkmax says:
Put ground beef in between the keyboard and the screen, close it, then call it a Computaco?
Abyss says:
That won't work
Linkmax says:
I cannot help you further.

Re: Random chats

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:46 pm
by Supersonia
[c=2]Kyrie[/c] says:
basically suffering
Supersonia says:
Yikes. O_O
[c=2]Kyrie[/c] says:
But she gets over it
[c=2]Kyrie[/c] says:
oh, and in the future, her and Orion are going to get married
Supersonia says:
all because Edward is dead...
[c=2]Kyrie[/c] says:
that and he loved her since she let him take her virginity but didn't know
Supersonia says:
[c=2]Kyrie[/c] says:
they ARE lovers until he vanishes
Supersonia says:
wow...that's so sad :(

Re: Random chats

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:23 pm
by Echo
Sparrowhawk says:
A Boat says:
A Boat says:
American Cake?

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:50 am
by Dan
Darkmage Solidor Rabanastre-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
I just wish they'd stop naming them after gems or elements of the Element Table
Dan says:
Pokemon Bush
Pokemon Cheney
Pokemon Rice
Darkmage Solidor Rabanastre-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
Darkmage Solidor Rabanastre-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
something not as stupid
Dan says:
Dan says:
Pokemon TinkyWinky
Pokemon Dipsy
Pokemon LaLa
Pokemon Po
Darkmage Solidor Rabanastre-Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
How bout we stick to the annoying gems and elements

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:06 pm
by Pokota
She be a long one...

Code: Select all

[2008-08-19 19:27:38] <CaviosDaryll> Whoa, whoa
[2008-08-19 19:27:44] <CaviosDaryll> I just had a conspiracy thought.
[2008-08-19 19:27:54] <CaviosDaryll> You know those jobs that people say like, "Well, who would ever want to do that?"
[2008-08-19 19:28:03] <CaviosDaryll> Like, geologist, or archaeologist, or historian?
[2008-08-19 19:28:15] <Moonlight> wtf?
[2008-08-19 19:28:18] <CaviosDaryll> What if people are right, and nobody wants to do it
[2008-08-19 19:28:24] <CaviosDaryll> and they're all government agents!
[2008-08-19 19:28:26] <Choja> CaviosDaryll: Oh, that's easy.
[2008-08-19 19:28:28] <Moonlight> Those are your go-to "Nobody wants to do it" jobs? Wtf?
[2008-08-19 19:28:29] <CaviosDaryll> Like, they're all planting evidence!
[2008-08-19 19:28:38] <Choja> Everyone wants to be captain of the ship
[2008-08-19 19:28:43] <CaviosDaryll> It'd prove the whole Phantom Time theory tcorrect!
[2008-08-19 19:29:10] <CaviosDaryll> I mean, the few people who AREN'T government agents and are the real historians realize that there were hundreds of years added to our calender (European Medieval Ages)
[2008-08-19 19:29:32] <CaviosDaryll> And the reason they're chastised by the mainstream historians is that it's the government trying to keep the truth from being revealed!
[2008-08-19 19:29:50] <CaviosDaryll> Most of the public will be like, "Well, the majority of EXPERT historians says they're all loonies, so it must be wrong."
[2008-08-19 19:29:54] <CaviosDaryll> It all makes perfect sense!
[2008-08-19 19:30:40] <CaviosDaryll> And for archaeology, it's like, suppose you need to make people think the Earth is 4.5 billion years old
[2008-08-19 19:30:47] <CaviosDaryll> when in reality, it's only a few million years old
[2008-08-19 19:31:15] <Zim> hey.
[2008-08-19 19:31:33] <CaviosDaryll> It's so simple it's COMPLEX.
[2008-08-19 19:31:35] <Moonlight> Or maybe the Earth is only a day old and every day is just a repetition to everything in the universe but our feeble little human minds.
[2008-08-19 19:31:54] <CaviosDaryll> Now you're just saying crazy stuff, Moonlight.
[2008-08-19 19:31:55] <Zim> maybe some people do want to be geologists
[2008-08-19 19:31:57] <Zim> in fact
[2008-08-19 19:32:02] <CaviosDaryll> yeah, I mean, a FEW people do.
[2008-08-19 19:32:03] <Zim> i know somebody who has teh degree
[2008-08-19 19:32:05] <Moonlight> Yeah, maybe
[2008-08-19 19:32:10] <CaviosDaryll> But the majority of them are just government agents
[2008-08-19 19:32:12] <Zim> coupled with a useful environmental engineering degree
[2008-08-19 19:32:14] <CaviosDaryll> Maybe HE'S a government agent.
[2008-08-19 19:32:26] <CaviosDaryll> And all those people who majored in biology!
[2008-08-19 19:32:29] <Moonlight> It bugs me that those are the three jobs you pull out of your ass that supposedly no one wants to do
[2008-08-19 19:32:34] <Zim> cavios: doctors?
[2008-08-19 19:33:00] <Zim> your garbage man is a government spy
[2008-08-19 19:33:02] <Zim> bugging your house
[2008-08-19 19:33:02] <CaviosDaryll> Doctors work for the government. They dope people up to make them not question things as much
[2008-08-19 19:33:19] <CaviosDaryll> People wanna be garbagemen, they get great benefits and pay. At least, they do around here.
[2008-08-19 19:33:40] <CaviosDaryll> But Moonlight, those are the three jobs that the government can use the most to manipulate people.
[2008-08-19 19:33:40] <Zim> boy, chicken sure is delicious
[2008-08-19 19:33:42] * wannae gives Cavios a Tin Foil Hat
[2008-08-19 19:33:47] <CaviosDaryll> NO
[2008-08-19 19:33:53] <CaviosDaryll> TIN FOIL HATS HAVE BRAIN CONTROL DEVICES IN THEM
[2008-08-19 19:34:22] <CaviosDaryll> EVERYBODY knows that. The myth purported by the government is that they prevent people from listening in to your brain waves, but in reality they AMPLIFY the signal.
[2008-08-19 19:34:26] <CaviosDaryll> It's the perfect crime.
[2008-08-19 19:34:42] <CaviosDaryll> Me? I use lead based hats to block my brain waves. Prevents electromagnetic radiation from getting in.
[2008-08-19 19:35:19] <CaviosDaryll> And politicians! Who the crap wants to be a politician? Nobody! So, the government uses them to maneveur the public around.
[2008-08-19 19:35:29] <wannae> Oh, this is perfect.
[2008-08-19 19:35:35] <wannae> Thank you, Cavios.
[2008-08-19 19:35:36] <Moonlight> Oh fuck
[2008-08-19 19:35:39] <CaviosDaryll> The few who DO want to be politicians get labeled as crazy people and get rejected by the public
[2008-08-19 19:35:58] <CaviosDaryll> Like Jack Thompson!
[2008-08-19 19:36:21] <CaviosDaryll> I've stumbled onto something huge here.
[2008-08-19 19:36:54] <wannae> My Govdar is beeping.
[2008-08-19 19:37:21] <wannae>
[2008-08-19 19:37:49] <CaviosDaryll> And, I would say "You're welcome, wannae," but I have my suspcions about you... The fact that you so quickly offered me a tin foil hat is incredibly conspicuous.
[2008-08-19 19:38:06] <CaviosDaryll> Was I hitting a little too close to the mark? Tried to silence me before I could spout any more "nonsense"?
[2008-08-19 19:38:27] <wannae> No, but bear in mind that they are everywhere
[2008-08-19 19:38:44] <wannae> I've even been accused of being one of them.
[2008-08-19 19:38:51] <wannae> But BB will keep them off of me.
[2008-08-19 19:39:00] <wannae> Big Brother!
[2008-08-19 19:40:12] <DrZaius> BIG BEAR
[2008-08-19 19:40:19] <DrZaius> BIG BEAR CHASE ME!
[2008-08-19 19:46:23] |<-- jackchan has left (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[2008-08-19 19:52:07] <CaviosDaryll> Big Brother...
[2008-08-19 19:52:38] <CaviosDaryll> I think you all know about him, so there's no need to discuss him any further.
[2008-08-19 19:53:01] * DrZaius doesn't think anyone remembers The Great Outdoors.
[2008-08-19 19:55:00] |<-- jeffball has left (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2008-08-19 19:55:11] <DrZaius> Huge bear... chasing John Candy around...
[2008-08-19 19:55:19] <Enker> Kinna, kinna
[2008-08-19 19:55:22] <Enker> It's been awhile
[2008-08-19 19:55:26] <DrZaius> Heh
[2008-08-19 19:55:44] |<-- Daisy has left (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[2008-08-19 19:56:05] =-= YOU are now known as raekuul
[2008-08-19 20:00:27] -->| jackchan ( has joined #vgmusic
[2008-08-19 20:02:19] |<-- Secret_Agent_Man has left (Quit: Client Exited)
[2008-08-19 20:04:55] <raekuul> Cavios: You do know that there was a Secret_Agent_Man here during your rant, right?
[2008-08-19 20:05:06] <Moonlight> :o
[2008-08-19 20:05:19] <Moonlight> Sad that he didn't notice
[2008-08-19 20:05:24] <CaviosDaryll> gfadsklg;
[2008-08-19 20:05:25] <CaviosDaryll> HOLY CRAP
[2008-08-19 20:05:28] <Moonlight> They've probably hauled him off by no-- nevermind
[2008-08-19 20:05:29] <CaviosDaryll> I FORGOT ABOUT HIM
[2008-08-19 20:05:34] * CaviosDaryll jumps out window.
[2008-08-19 20:05:38] <raekuul> roflmao
[2008-08-19 20:10:39] <CaviosDaryll> Holy crap
[2008-08-19 20:10:43] <CaviosDaryll> I just thought of something else
[2008-08-19 20:10:55] <CaviosDaryll> People get pushed away from these jobs
[2008-08-19 20:10:58] <CaviosDaryll> and get pushed into retail.
[2008-08-19 20:11:05] <CaviosDaryll> And fast food service and all those other jobs.
[2008-08-19 20:11:11] <Moonlight> Shouldn't you be in jail?
[2008-08-19 20:11:12] <CaviosDaryll> The majority of the public works in such jobs, it's a fact.
[2008-08-19 20:11:30] <CaviosDaryll> Thank God, no, my lead helmet prevented the government from pinpointing my location based on brainwave emanation.
[2008-08-19 20:11:35] <raekuul> Let him rant, Moony
[2008-08-19 20:11:36] <CaviosDaryll> But as I was saying
[2008-08-19 20:11:46] <CaviosDaryll> Most people spend just a little bit of time in retail jobs
[2008-08-19 20:11:47] * Moonlight lets
[2008-08-19 20:12:01] <CaviosDaryll> but that's enough
[2008-08-19 20:12:19] <CaviosDaryll> And people who aren't working retail at the moment are only spending a little bit of their day in retail stores.
[2008-08-19 20:12:28] <CaviosDaryll> What do you think is being pumped into those stores?
[2008-08-19 20:12:29] <CaviosDaryll> OXYGEN!?
[2008-08-19 20:12:32] <CaviosDaryll> Fat chance.
[2008-08-19 20:12:35] <CaviosDaryll> GOVERNMENT SPORES
[2008-08-19 20:12:43] <CaviosDaryll> These spores increase misery in the public.
[2008-08-19 20:13:11] <CaviosDaryll> With increased misery comes apathy.
[2008-08-19 20:13:23] <raekuul> They're still here... invis-o-bots
[2008-08-19 20:13:25] <CaviosDaryll> People stop caring about certain things that the government is doing, so it gets away with murder.
[2008-08-19 20:13:46] <CaviosDaryll> And then the government promises chagnes, and the public is all too eager about it, hoping it will increase their happiness
[2008-08-19 20:14:02] <CaviosDaryll> The government uses the public's desire for happiness to further their control over people with the changes they bring about.
[2008-08-19 20:14:06] <Moonlight> You know what, Cavios? I'm just gonna break this to you now
[2008-08-19 20:14:11] <Moonlight> Have you ever seen The Truman Show?
[2008-08-19 20:14:14] <CaviosDaryll> Yes...
[2008-08-19 20:14:17] <Moonlight> Because that's all happening to you
[2008-08-19 20:14:34] <CaviosDaryll> But how?
[2008-08-19 20:14:36] <CaviosDaryll> I can see the sky!
[2008-08-19 20:14:39] <CaviosDaryll> I see the moon!
[2008-08-19 20:14:45] <CaviosDaryll> well, not erally, there's too much light pollut-
[2008-08-19 20:14:47] <CaviosDaryll> Holy crap!
[2008-08-19 20:14:48] <CaviosDaryll> THAT'S IT!
[2008-08-19 20:14:51] <Moonlight> It's all a backdrop
[2008-08-19 20:14:57] <CaviosDaryll> There's too much "light pollution" to see the stars!
[2008-08-19 20:14:58] >Moonlight< I'm nominating you for a Crowning Moment of Awesome for this,,,
[2008-08-19 20:15:07] <CaviosDaryll> And that explains why I get so carsick easily
[2008-08-19 20:15:22] <CaviosDaryll> They're injecting gas into the car to make me feel queasy so that I'll just want to go to sleep
[2008-08-19 20:15:28] <Moonlight> Hey
[2008-08-19 20:15:33] <CaviosDaryll> And I never notice when we pass from New York to Massachusetts!
[2008-08-19 20:15:35] <CaviosDaryll> But
[2008-08-19 20:15:36] <Moonlight> The viewers are getting bored of watching you type
[2008-08-19 20:15:38] <CaviosDaryll> why are you telling me thsi!?
[2008-08-19 20:15:52] * CaviosDaryll covers himself in his blanket.
[2008-08-19 20:15:58] <CaviosDaryll> They can't see me typing now.
[2008-08-19 20:16:11] <raekuul> The spies can see through anything
[2008-08-19 20:16:14] <raekuul> except lead
[2008-08-19 20:16:30] <CaviosDaryll> Which is exactly why I have this lead helmet.
[2008-08-19 20:17:04] <CaviosDaryll> I'm glad I don't work in retail.
[2008-08-19 20:17:15] <raekuul> But the blanket isn't doing you any good,.
[2008-08-19 20:17:18] <Moonlight> You will if the producers wish it
[2008-08-19 20:17:20] <CaviosDaryll> People who work in retail are in contact with the government spores all day, so they're more miserable than anybody else...
[2008-08-19 20:17:27] <CaviosDaryll> No! I'll work in the library forever!
[2008-08-19 20:17:38] <CaviosDaryll> But wait
[2008-08-19 20:17:45] <CaviosDaryll> Why would producers wanna trap me in a show?
[2008-08-19 20:17:50] <raekuul> The spores are in the books, too
[2008-08-19 20:17:55] <CaviosDaryll> DAMN
[2008-08-19 20:18:06] <CaviosDaryll> You guys oughta be careful...
[2008-08-19 20:18:12] <Moonlight> Umm, you know how reality shows are popular in "your world"?
[2008-08-19 20:18:17] <CaviosDaryll> Crap no.
[2008-08-19 20:18:24] <CaviosDaryll> Well
[2008-08-19 20:18:26] <CaviosDaryll> actually
[2008-08-19 20:18:26] <CaviosDaryll> yeah.
[2008-08-19 20:19:09] <raekuul> And how there are cameras everywhere?
[2008-08-19 20:19:28] * CaviosDaryll shrugs.
[2008-08-19 20:19:33] <CaviosDaryll> Sure, why not.
[2008-08-19 20:20:43] <raekuul> But, you never see the cameras on screen during a reality show.
[2008-08-19 20:21:38] <CaviosDaryll> That's not true
[2008-08-19 20:21:38] -->| jeffball (some1named@ has joined #vgmusic
[2008-08-19 20:21:48] <CaviosDaryll> On John and Kate Plus Eight you often see the cameras.
[2008-08-19 20:22:02] <Moonlight> Yeah... on one... Out of... How many?
[2008-08-19 20:22:15] <CaviosDaryll> One out of one that I watch.
[2008-08-19 20:22:22] <CaviosDaryll> ...
[2008-08-19 20:22:34] <raekuul> Welcome... to the Show.
[2008-08-19 20:22:37] <CaviosDaryll> Raekuul said I NEVER see the cameras on screen.
[2008-08-19 20:22:45] <CaviosDaryll> But I HAVE seen the cameras on screen SEVERAL times
[2008-08-19 20:22:48] <CaviosDaryll> Meaning he's WRONG
[2008-08-19 20:22:50] <CaviosDaryll> ...
[2008-08-19 20:23:11] <CaviosDaryll> and if he was wrong about one thing, how do I know that he's not wrong about the Truman Show?
[2008-08-19 20:23:16] <CaviosDaryll> You two are clearly working together on this.
[2008-08-19 20:23:23] <CaviosDaryll> How do I know that you aren't both PURPOSEFULLY being wrong?
[2008-08-19 20:23:26] <raekuul> Are you sure?
[2008-08-19 20:23:38] <CaviosDaryll> How can I be so sure that this isn't just you two agents trying to gauge my reaction!?
[2008-08-19 20:23:47] <CaviosDaryll> Trying to stall me for a bit until you can get agents to my house and stop me!
[2008-08-19 20:23:54] <raekuul> And how do I know you're not an agent?
[2008-08-19 20:24:01] <raekuul> I warned you about the blanket
[2008-08-19 20:24:03] <CaviosDaryll> Because of the things you're saying!
[2008-08-19 20:24:04] <Moonlight> I'm not an agent, I am a warrior
[2008-08-19 20:24:08] <raekuul> Yet you're still under it!
[2008-08-19 20:24:16] <CaviosDaryll> No, I NEVER put a blanket over my head!
[2008-08-19 20:24:19] <CaviosDaryll> I only TYPED that!
[2008-08-19 20:24:26] <CaviosDaryll> This PROVES that I'm not on the Truman Show!
[2008-08-19 20:24:38] <CaviosDaryll> You were trying to trick me into thinking it was futile to resist, since my world was controlled by you people!
[2008-08-19 20:24:42] <CaviosDaryll> But I've discovered the truth!
[2008-08-19 20:24:44] <Moonlight> I dunno about raekuul but I stopped watching awhile ago
[2008-08-19 20:24:46] <CaviosDaryll> You can't outsmart me!
[2008-08-19 20:24:53] <raekuul> How can you be certain that what you see and feel is true, and what you type is what's real?
[2008-08-19 20:24:54] <Moonlight> I was missing Law & Order
[2008-08-19 20:25:08] <CaviosDaryll> Easily.
[2008-08-19 20:25:35] <CaviosDaryll> I can easily be certain of the truthiness about my world.
[2008-08-19 20:26:09] <CaviosDaryll> And the fact that you both are working together to make me feel the government is in absolute control over my life just PROVES that the two of you are agents, and you're in the middle of homing in on my location.
[2008-08-19 20:26:22] <raekuul> What makes you so certain, ZedandBoom?
[2008-08-19 20:26:33] <Moonlight> Well, looks like my work here is done
[2008-08-19 20:26:52] * Moonlight opens the ark of the covenant and points it directly at CaviosDaryll
[2008-08-19 20:27:01] <CaviosDaryll> Because you are trying to trick me into thinking that you're still in control, by making me think you know my E-Mail address.
[2008-08-19 20:27:05] * CaviosDaryll closes eyes.
[2008-08-19 20:27:12] <Moonlight> Damn.
[2008-08-19 20:27:13] <CaviosDaryll> But the joke is on you! That's not even my E-Mail address anymore!
[2008-08-19 20:27:23] <CaviosDaryll> And that wasn't even my FULL E-Mail address then!
[2008-08-19 20:27:26] <CaviosDaryll> You two have no power over me!
[2008-08-19 20:27:32] <raekuul> No matter.
[2008-08-19 20:27:36] <raekuul> We have you surrounded.
[2008-08-19 20:27:38] <Moonlight> But it's nice to know people can play along with a random Indiana Jones reference :)
[2008-08-19 20:27:39] <CaviosDaryll> My real E-Mail address was
[2008-08-19 20:27:41] <CaviosDaryll> Hahaha, you fool!
[2008-08-19 20:28:08] <DrZaius> He switched the glasses when your back was turned!
[2008-08-19 20:28:09] <CaviosDaryll> If you had me surrounded, you'd have flooded my house with government spores by now and stopped me from typing, and yet I continue to do so~!
[2008-08-19 20:28:10] <raekuul> We know you're a Government Spy
[2008-08-19 20:28:24] <CaviosDaryll> If I were a government spy, rest assured that I wouldn't have to go to the bathroom right now..
[2008-08-19 20:28:27] <DrZaius> Ah-ha ha ha ha! Ah-ha ha ha ha! Ah-ha ha HA! *falls over*
[2008-08-19 20:28:44] <CaviosDaryll> Both glasses were poisoned.
[2008-08-19 20:28:55] <raekuul> But you are immune to the spores
[2008-08-19 20:29:02] <raekuul> From working in a library
[2008-08-19 20:29:08] <CaviosDaryll> For a month.
[2008-08-19 20:29:10] <raekuul> How can I trust you?
[2008-08-19 20:29:15] <raekuul> HOW CAN I TRUST YOU???
[2008-08-19 20:29:18] <CaviosDaryll> There you go, at it again!
[2008-08-19 20:29:26] <CaviosDaryll> You're trying to make me believe you AREN'T a government spy!
[2008-08-19 20:29:32] <CaviosDaryll> It's a futile effort, I assure you.
[2008-08-19 20:29:34] <raekuul> You're doing the same thing!
[2008-08-19 20:29:40] <CaviosDaryll> Wrong!
[2008-08-19 20:29:41] <Moonlight> I'm not even trying
[2008-08-19 20:29:42] <raekuul> We're all government spies!
[2008-08-19 20:29:46] <Moonlight> You guys don't know me in real life
[2008-08-19 20:29:52] <Moonlight> So this isn't giving away my identity
[2008-08-19 20:29:58] <raekuul> If anything, you've convinced me of that!
[2008-08-19 20:30:01] |<-- erin has left (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2008-08-19 20:30:01] <CaviosDaryll> At first, you were saying things that were VERY suspicious and made you seem to be a government spy
[2008-08-19 20:30:13] <DrZaius> erin was the government spy
[2008-08-19 20:30:15] <DrZaius> So ENOUGH

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:23 am
by SparDanger
Alrik says:
I want this song

Atma-kun says:

Alrik says: