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Re: Random chats

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:31 pm
by SparDanger
Linkmax sets the papaer on fire

Linkmax says:

Sparrowhawk says:
Dinner's ready! :U

Ultimarad says:
now it's more dangerous :U

Linkmax says:

Sparrowhawk says:

Linkmax doesn't like the news anymore.

Ultimarad says:
I can imagine, "19 year old goes aflame by the very fire he started"

Linkmax says:

Sheeze says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:49 pm
by SparDanger
Sparrowhawk kisses Ulty

Sparrowhawk says:

Sheeze says:

Ultimarad says:

Ultimarad kisses back

Sparrowhawk says:

Linkmax sprays them with the hose

Sparrowhawk says:

Sheeze says:

Ultimarad clobbers Linkmax

Linkmax says:

Ultimarad says:
:| do that again Linkmax, I dare you

Re: Random chats

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:42 pm
by Echo
[/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Lawl, I've never been blue screened.
Linkmax says:
Then you haven't lived!

Re: Random chats

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:32 pm
by Echo
Darkmage Rabanastre- Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
I got the most funniest idea for a animated show
Linkmax says:
Someone dropping Rosie O'Donnel from a plane to see how big of a hole she makes?
Darkmage Rabanastre- Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
Two equally funny ideas

Re: Random chats

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:27 pm
by Paw

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:44 am
by Xiaotsu
[/[(F)]\]          Wolfie . [\[(F)]/]      says:
You've never been to my house XD
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
You totally need to come someday.
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
You need to pop your Lukes House Cherry. XD
-    ©KLAIRE    KLAIRE         KLAIRE   (L)SCOTT;LEES says:
LOL ahahaha thats discusting :( will there be bloood?
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Oh yes. Plenty of blood. :U
-    ©KLAIRE    KLAIRE         KLAIRE   (L)SCOTT;LEES says:
O_o O_o O_o O_o
-    ©KLAIRE    KLAIRE         KLAIRE   (L)SCOTT;LEES says:
i'll stay home thanking yu ^^
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
-    ©KLAIRE    KLAIRE         KLAIRE   (L)SCOTT;LEES says:
or i'll come wearing a rain coat :XP:
-    ©KLAIRE    KLAIRE         KLAIRE   (L)SCOTT;LEES says:
and a brolly

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:32 pm
by Chaun
Chaun says:
Sup Xiaotsu
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Hey Chaun
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Chaun says:
What's new
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Not much.
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Just chattin' to a couple of lady folk. x3
Chaun says:
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
How 'bout chu?
Chaun says:
Just got back from all you can eat sushi
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Damn you xD
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Now im hungr.
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Chaun says:
     [/[(F)]\]          Wolfie           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:08 am
by Dan
Dan The Lucky says:
I just remembered: I gotta kick the giant nautrepy's ass a few times before I go back to work on my VB final project (which I'm ONE STEP AWAY from being done with). So I'll have to kick Illua's ass later. :P
Edward says:
Volley Ball?

VB was Visual Basic XD

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:44 am
by SparDanger
Sparrowhawk says:
brb, bathroom then food.

Sparrowhawk says:

Kaito Hikaru says:

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:01 am
by SparDanger
Cyntia says:
Orion, do you trust me?

Orion says:
O-of course..

Cyntia says:
Get up and get in the bedroom, I have a plan

Xatu Gallant says:

Cyntia says:
Not THAT kind of plan!

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:59 am
by Xiaotsu
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
Actually, our country is called democratic atm, but i've lost the meaning of democracy after America attacked Iraq in order to set democracy there
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Yeah :\
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
and after georgian president gave the order to kill thousands of russian people, just because they dont let Georgia to be the democratic country
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
is it a democracy when the little girl runs like crazy, trying to save her life, and the georgian soldier just shots her? >.<
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
nationality, country dont matter, we're all the same D:
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
People won't ever see it like that, darling.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Apparently it all matters
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
If' you're white or black, it matters.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
If you're English or Russian, it matters.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
If you're Catholic or Muslim, it matters.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
If you speak Russian or German, it matters.
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
but... a language is only a bunch of words, combinations of letters for understanding
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
I know
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Its stupid, isnt it?
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
But this is what it comes down to.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Our leaders...want everyone to be like them.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
All the goveners of the world want the rest of the world to follow their example
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
And that'll never happen.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
You cannot force someone to change for someone elses ideals.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
So what else is there to do?
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
You declare war on them, stating they are an enemy of everything that is "good"
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
War ensues.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
Millions die
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
For a few people's beliefs
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
It won't stop.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
People will keep dying in this way.
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
There isn't anything you or I can do about it. :\
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
I just dont want people to die because of someone's problem
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
they dont deserve to be shot because of nationality, language they are speaking, color of skin, religion
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
because we're all the same
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
Rumy (L) (。◕‿◕。) Jeff says:
we're humans
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
We're "human"
     [/[(F)]\]          Star Wolf           .                     [\[(F)]/]      says:
...and it sickens me.

Re: Random chats

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:13 pm
by Dan
^ That was just plain epic. For so many reasons that I can't describe here because it would DEFINATELY cause a torrent of off-topicness.

Re: Random chats

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 12:22 am
by Echo
^ That was just plain epic. For so many reasons that I can't describe here because it would DEFINATELY cause a torrent of off-topicness.
I agree with this guy. :P

Re: Random chats

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:33 am
by Thessera
Jeff Руми (。◕‿‿◕。) сообщает (13:19):
Wow, these light effects youre using look truly amasing with your webcam
Jeff Руми (。◕‿‿◕。) сообщает (13:19):
u should use them more often
Rumy (。◕‿◕。) Jeff сообщает (13:19):
Of course, it's a sun.

Re: Random chats

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:02 am
by Damasca Ramza
Darkmage Rabanastre- Dark Lord of Pepsi says:
Linkmax says: