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Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:17 am
by Ultimarad
"Crap, I'd love to join you but I kinda already promised to watch Jackass with Roxas... Though if you're still playing later you can count me in."

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:36 pm
by Damasca Ramza
DM shook his head and muttered "Unbelievable......" and walked off into his room.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:28 pm
by Roxas
Roxas threw Jackass out the window "WHAT ONE!?! I LOVE MARIO PARTY WHOO!"

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:36 pm
by Damasca Ramza
DM peeked out and said "I don't like Mario Party remember? I'll only play Melee or FF:Crystal Chronicles with you guys"

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:56 pm
by Ultimarad
Ultimarad smiles and gets his Wii ready to play whatever GC game everyone decides to play. "Guy's, I only got 2 controllers here so we'll need to use somebody elses."

"Oh, and about what game we do play, I'm not bothered so I'll let you figure it out."

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:31 am
by Damasca Ramza
DM shruged and said "Come on then."

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:26 am
by Hari
"I'm soooooo bored. I know what to do!" Pokes Goku and runs.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:29 am
by Damasca Ramza
DM went outside on his own and looked a little depressed about something.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:26 pm
by Dan
Just then, Dan returned from the arcade.

"Hey DM", he said as he entered the house, spotted Hatzi running, then proceeded to trip him up.

"NO RUNNING!!!", yelled Dan as he made his way to his room to go eat some pie.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 3:37 pm
by SparDanger
Spar giggles at the TV.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:53 pm
by Damasca Ramza
DM heard Mephila's greeting and ignored him.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:12 pm
by Iceblade
"wow, this place is named after a blue chicken, it's a good thing my favourite coloour is blue, this place is covered in it" Iceblade said to himself as he entered the Hangout, trying to enter with a joke, he said"hey guys, guess who just logged in!" only to notice no-one was there, but he heard a voice, one he became familiar with on school days when nothing else was on,"Judge Judy huh?, it seems that someone else is here, that's good" he said to himself, following the noise of the t.v. only to find an occasionally-moving, almost entranced sparrowhawk, "hey, where is everyone?"

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:57 am
by Ultimarad
Ultimarad looks around suddenly realising nobody is around. "What the? Where did everyone go? I swear I was just in the same room as everyone."

Ultimarad starts wandering around loking for everyone, wondering if anyone else has experienced this weirdness.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:34 pm
by Iceblade
Iceblade pulled out his ds and found that hari was there, "alright, that's 2 people so far" Iceblade wandered around, trying to find other members.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:52 pm
by Damasca Ramza
DM wondered what was going on inside,cause it was so quiet,he was sitting in the courtyard looking into the forest beyond Spar's chicken coop.