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Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 4:13 pm
by SparDanger
This picture.

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:20 pm
by Damasca Ramza
You bunch of lightweights I didn't even smirk through the whole thing. It wasn't easy.
I didn't laugh or grin whatsoever, it was easy, I didn't find it funny whatsoever.
Hahahaha! *rofl
What, don't believe us? Not all of us can find almost anything hilarious. :razz:

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:23 am
by Dan
This picture.

Its even funnier if you saw the cartoon where the captions came from.

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 10:56 pm
by SparDanger
The following link. *rofl

Don't click if under 18.

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:21 am
by Echo
<Dark_Fox> Kami: if you changed your name to Kame, you would have a much more interesting name :)
<Kami> Dark_Fox: And if you changed yours to Dark_Fax, you'd have a more communicative name. :)
* Dark_Fox is now known as Dark_Fax
<Kami> It'd be... 'telecommunicative.'
* Dark_Fax makes noises and bitches because he's out of paper ant toner *
<Kami> Oh god, that happened at work today.
<Dark_Fax> FEED MEE!!!
<SailorV> Nuuuuuuuu
* Dark_Fax displays wrong time *
* Dark_Fax rings for no reason *
* Kami is now known as VCR-clock
* Dark_Fax gets a paper jam *
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
<VCR-clock> :)
* Dark_Fax breaks a bearing and bounces around on the counter *
* Dark_Fax rings again for no reason *
* VCR-clock blinks some more
* SailorV runs and hides becuz there are weirdo's in here
* Dark_Fax chases SailorV * MY PAPER!!! MY PREEESCIOUUUS!!
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
<SailorV> EEEE!
* SailorV unplugs the VCR
* VCR-clock has quit IRC
* Dark_Fax is now known as Dark_Fox
<Dark_Fox> ok i think ive peaked the humor of that

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:03 am
by Jlyons
<Dark_Fox> Kami: if you changed your name to Kame, you would have a much more interesting name :)
<Kami> Dark_Fox: And if you changed yours to Dark_Fax, you'd have a more communicative name. :)
* Dark_Fox is now known as Dark_Fax
<Kami> It'd be... 'telecommunicative.'
* Dark_Fax makes noises and bitches because he's out of paper ant toner *
<Kami> Oh god, that happened at work today.
<Dark_Fax> FEED MEE!!!
<SailorV> Nuuuuuuuu
* Dark_Fax displays wrong time *
* Dark_Fax rings for no reason *
* Kami is now known as VCR-clock
* Dark_Fax gets a paper jam *
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
<VCR-clock> :)
* Dark_Fax breaks a bearing and bounces around on the counter *
* Dark_Fax rings again for no reason *
* VCR-clock blinks some more
* SailorV runs and hides becuz there are weirdo's in here
* Dark_Fax chases SailorV * MY PAPER!!! MY PREEESCIOUUUS!!
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
<SailorV> EEEE!
* SailorV unplugs the VCR
* VCR-clock has quit IRC
* Dark_Fax is now known as Dark_Fox
<Dark_Fox> ok i think ive peaked the humor of that

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:07 am
by Ultimarad
Me and my friend Kyle were trying to get this PC game to work online and we were talking through Steam. He has Vista, and was having trouble trying to get the game to work. When it finally looked like it was going to work, his PC crashed and I told him that Vista is probably the problem. I then said "Vista can't even run a print operation and MS Word at the same time without crashing", after which, he sent me a text saying "Don't Steam message me while Vista is thinking". It's been taking so long now I've even had the time to log on here and post this as we wait.

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:38 pm
by Ryan Boss Stevens
I'm just sittin' in my room, killing things on Too Human, I pause to check my equipment and I hear a "blurrrrnt". That was my dog farting. XD I have never heard a dog fart before until just now.

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 4:25 pm
by Hari

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:56 pm
by SparDanger
Seeing the comment/description under Chibi's Hangout that says:

"Home of a Blue Chicken apparently"

It hit a funny bone XD
Made me smile too. ^_^

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 3:44 pm
by SparDanger
*rofl *rofl *rofl

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:57 pm
by Jlyons
*rofl *rofl *rofl
^ This

Just when you think it was getting old, Link drops that one on us. XD

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:46 pm
by Echo
*rofl *rofl *rofl
XD That was a long time ago :P

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 11:12 am
by Thessera
Backwards singing parody. So Accurate~! (Original:

The funny thing is that I was near that place while video was being made, it's in Moscow near Red Square, I tried to find out what they were singing, but failed epicly. XD So it's not a fake, they even talk backwards sometimes.
Ahaha, russians sing with accent even when they sing backwards. :D

Re: What made you laugh today?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 4:09 pm
by SparDanger
My Uncle hijacked my Grandma's FB page and spoke to me in "Gangsta".

Thought it was Grandma! XD