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Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:52 am
by Ultimarad
Sohora comes up with a plan and says to Kyrin, "why don't you kill me instead? I'm sure you can get an even larger bounty for killing a warrior than a boy right?"

Name: Skye
Class: White Mage/Summoner (or for the sake of this rp, healer)
Weapon(s): Golden staff (transforms into a bow)
Personality: Considerate, energetic
Special Powers: White magic, has only 1 summon
Guild: Light Guild

Skye begins to gain conscousness upon falling on the ground.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:40 pm
by Roxas
Kell looked around in the darkness. He was in a dark abyss when he saw a figure in a hooded cloak stepped forward. "Prepare to die Kell Of Flaming Ice." Kell frowned. "How do you know my full title?" It let out a low laugh. "Since I started observing you and your friends." Kell pulled out his blade and a blast of dark energy knocked him down. He blasted blue flame at the entity and it dissapeared. "Very good..." Kell felt a rush of pain and he felt himself lying on the ground. He stood up and looked at his blood. it looked strange, as if blue flame were in it. He tried to turn back into his elemental form but couldn't. "Looks like I'm stuck like this." He looked around and saw some people nearby.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:40 pm
by SparDanger
Taviri turned to her, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to drop you! Are you okay?"

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:42 pm
by Roxas
Kell saw Taviri and decided to catch up to him. He moved as fast as he could to meet up with him.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:25 am
by Ultimarad
Skye looked up at Taviri and said, "yes, I'm ok". She stood up and looked around realising she's finally free. "Thanks for freeing me, I really appretiate it... was Sohora with you?" she said as she looked around again.

With Skye concious and outside the anti magic barrier, Sohora's full strenth came back to him and he broke the chains holding him up by pulling on them. With a flick of his wrist his spear suddenly appeared in his hands and he was ready to fight.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:54 am
by Pokota
Meanwhile, Raekuul is at the Mercenary HQ, looking for a way to "borrow" an airship without getting caught. (Three RP Days left until the meeting)

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:22 pm
by SparDanger
Taviri sighed, before saying, "Yeah, I was with him, but I think he was captured."

The Alchemist then walked over towards a nearby torch holder, the thing was rusted badly. He looked up and saw some cracks in the ceiling. A few drips of water then fell and landed in Taviri's eye.

Moving away and rubbing his left eye for a few seconds, the Alchemist then went back over and pulled the rusty torch holder off of the wall, knowing he could transmute it into a dagger if need be.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:32 am
by Ultimarad
Skye followed Taviri and said, "Well he can take care of himself, I wouldn't worry about him. So what's going on at the moment?"

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:30 pm
by SparDanger
Taviri sighed, "Well, I was traveling alone and met some people, then we got in a fight with Shades. Somehow, me and a gunman traveling with us managed to get away."

Turning to look at Skye, he continued, "Then I traveled here and found you locked up in a cell." he turned back to the circle he was drawing on the ground, "I couldn't let you stay in such an awful place, it wouldn't have been very kind of me to have let you rot in that cell."

The Alchemist then placed the rusted torch holder in the middle of the finished circle.
Then he placed his hands on the borders and set his science in motion.

When he stood, Taviri held a beautifully crafted sword.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:41 am
by Ultimarad
Skye said, "Then I guess Sohora never told you anything huh? That's just like him. Thanks for rescuing me. Though I thought I would have been kept somewhere more secure if you just found me by chance, even without Sohora's help. It might be a trap so be better be careful". Just as she finnished talking she noticed Taviri's huge sword and said, "Wow, you made that from a torch? That's amazing. I guess we won't have much to worry about afterall."

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:04 pm
by Roxas
Kell sat down to rest on a tree stump when a man walked over to him. he had a black cat on his head. "Should we talk to him Nye?" To Kell's surprise the cat spoke. "He could help us protect the priestess, so why not?" Nye the cat jumped down. "Hello. I am Nye. This is Eyr, my... Partner, not owner, partner." Eyr grunted a hello and a woman stepped forward. Nye flicked his tail towards her. "This is High Priestess Leah, we are protecting her from the dark one and she sensed you encountered him and survived. So you're helping like it or not." Kell stood up. "What if I say no." Leah stepped forward. "You're hurt." She held up her staff and healed his wounds. "There." Eyr pulled out his katanas. "You don't help us and I'll kill you." Nye shrugged. "What a compelling argument." Kell sighed. "You can travel with me, I don't care. I'm just looking for my friends." Nye jumped on Kell's head. "High ho, Elemental warrior!"

Nye and EyrImage


Name: Nye
Classes: Talking Cat
Weapon(s): Claws
Personality: Sarcastic but smart
Special Powers: Speech and minor magic
Guild?: N/A

Name: Eyr
Classes: Fighter/Mystic
Weapon(s): Twin Katanas
Personality: Quiet and serious.
Special Powers: Earth and Flame magic.
Guild?: N/A

Name: Leah
Classes: Healer
Weapon(s): Holy Staff
Personality: Kind and Naive
Special Powers: Major Light magic
Guild?: The holy order.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:16 am
by Ultimarad
Sohora stands with his spear ready to attack Kyrin, wondering if she's still in the rp.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:44 pm
by SparDanger
Atuan was amazed at Sohora's increased strength and agility. He hoped that they could get out of that dark, cold, cell and back into the light of day.

Picking up a small rock, Atuan tried to throw it out the cell door's barred window.
Taviri blushed at Skye's comment, "Heh, well we'll need this later, I'm sure. Knowing Sissero, he'll have sent some sort of assassin after me."

Turning away from the magic wielder, he continued, "Care to help me search for the armory? We'll need all the help we can get."

Suddenly, a clack was heard not too far away!

Turning to his left, Taviri said, "That sounded like a rock being thrown!"

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:16 pm
by Hari
Kyrin walks towords Taviri

"Have you forgotten about me!?"

She aimed both her swords at him ready to lay in to him with them but then stops and turns back

"I won't kil you... yet."

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:06 pm
by Ultimarad
(Wait a sec, wasn't Kyrin just with Sohora? How come you're now with Taviri? I'm confused :/)